Ramadhan Iftar Program With Orphans From Pusat Jagaan Rohaniah 2019

Ramadhan Iftar Program With Orphans From Pusat Jagaan Rohaniah 2019

In the spirit of Ramadhan, 40 orphans from Pusat Jagaan Rohaniah in Pasir Puteh, Kelantan were treated to a breaking of fast ceremony by Building Lindungan Sdn Bhd. The ceremony were held at the Crystal Colour Avenue hall with a buffet style.

Chief Executive Officer, Norhadiman Abdul Hadi said, he hoped that the event would add joy to the orphans’ experience of Ramadhan. Norhadiman hope that this will help ease their financial burden as well as ensure their welfare in addition to providing necessities for the homes. He also encouraged the orphans to persevere in facing life challenges, especially when it came to their studies.

Norhadiman also presented the children with duit raya of RM50 each and personal backpack of ‘kueh raya’. Pusat Jagaan Rohaniah also received a RM 5,000 donation from Norhadiman.